This is a list of people, ideas, models, theories, etc... that I should consider including in my literature review. ------------------------------------------ From Clark (2008): Lao-Tse (5th century BC) - "If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. But if you let me experience, I will learn." ; Kung Fu-tse (Latinized as Confucius) and Han Fei-Tzu, followed Lao-Tse by using a method that closely resembles what we now call the case method or case study Socrates: the socratic method Plato: the dialectic (the socratic method); first university 385 BC; knowledge innate at birth and perfectable by experiential learning during growth Aristotle: association of ideas, balanced develoment (music, sports, play, debate, science, ...); recall Organized apprenticeship in Egypt around 2000 BC Schools organized around the 10th century Teaching: transmitting content from teacher to student; students are "empty vessels" and teacher can "pour" content into t...