Practice includes: tasks, activities, exercise, experience, and experimentation.
The principles that will make a given learning experience effective are captured in (or at least, they should be capture in) the practice activity.
Practice can be defined by the learner, the instructor, a peer, an activity in a textbook, an instructional video, an exercise routine.
Practice also happens informally in the everyday experiences of our lives.
Practice, in my use of the term, also includes one-time learning experiences like burning yourself on a hot stove and saying, I'll never do that again. And then never doing it again.
The principles that will make a given learning experience effective are captured in (or at least, they should be capture in) the practice activity.
Practice can be defined by the learner, the instructor, a peer, an activity in a textbook, an instructional video, an exercise routine.
Practice also happens informally in the everyday experiences of our lives.
Practice, in my use of the term, also includes one-time learning experiences like burning yourself on a hot stove and saying, I'll never do that again. And then never doing it again.