The process of learning is the process of crossing the gap between Current State and Desired State. The successful process of learning is contigent upon the fundamental Principles of Learning. The Principles of Learning are manifest through practice/exercise/experience/experimentation (hereafter referred to as simply Practice). Practice does not happen unless there is sufficient motivation and confidence. Practice is most meaningful in the proper context or environment. The context is created through physical surroundings, other people, multi-media resources, projects, on-the-job integration, etc... Learners or Instructors, or both, can drive practice. Practice can also be driven from instruction that is captured and presented in media resources (videos, audio, textbooks, etc...).
The learning environment can be one or both of the following: 1) Content providing: e.g. other skiers provide good and bad examples, mountain provides visual input to understand skiing (compared to talking about skiiing in a classroom, chalkboard drawings, pictures, video, etc...) 2) Performance enabling: e.g. the mountain, snow, a ski lift, provide a place to ski; skis, boots and poles provide equipment to ski. e.g. a harness can help a diver safely learn a new dive, e.g. a foam pit can help a gymnast safely learn a new move