"What are instructional events? These are the classes of events that occur in a learning situation. Each event functions to provide the external conditions of learning." (Aronson and Briggs 1983, p. 89)
pg. 90
1. Gaining attention
2. Informing the learner of the objective
3. Stimulating recall of prerequisite learnings
4. Presenting the stimulus material
5. Providing learning guidance
6. Eliciting performance
7. Providing feedback about performance correctness
8. Assessing the performance
9. Enhancing retention and transfer
pg. 90
1. Gaining attention
2. Informing the learner of the objective
3. Stimulating recall of prerequisite learnings
4. Presenting the stimulus material
5. Providing learning guidance
6. Eliciting performance
7. Providing feedback about performance correctness
8. Assessing the performance
9. Enhancing retention and transfer